Top 10 Reasons to choose AWS as your Cloud Platform
In our previous blog, we had discussed “ Top 10 AWS Cloud Trends “, Here in this part lets, we are going to discuss Why we choose AWS as your cloud platform? Here are the 10 reasons are given for choosing AWS as your cloud Platform. One of the main reasons for AWS to become famous which is how easy to use. Anyone can set up an account on AWS and start deploying the services they want without knowing advanced programming languages skills, so easy to use even a baby can be users. AWS maintains a document for each service under Developer Resources listing how to use the AWS dashboard to deploy and maintain any service. 10. Third-party: Third-party which understand the cloud utilize all the time and cost in future helps you some services like Cloud Ranger and Tango Card are available to help you utilize all of the time-and-cost. · Cloud Ranger - helping companies understand the cloud with visual representation. · ...